162 Rollins Ford Rd, Amissville, VA 20106 info@serendipityequine.com 540.316.0302

Our Horses


Mare Born:

Ada came to Serendipity to find relief from the hot and humid weather in Louisiana. She was diagnosed with severe heaves and the Louisiana weather made it very hard for her to breathe. Now in Virginia, she is doing much better. She has a sweet, puppy-dog personality and is very affectionate to everyone that visits the barn.

DONATE for Ada: info@serendipityequine.com

Allie Cat

Tennesee Walker
Mare Born: 2006

Allie Cat came to Serendipity from Louisiana. Allie was diagnosed with severe and chronic heaves and it was determined that she needed to leave the hot and humid weather so prevalent in Louisiana. Allie’s owner arranged to meet with Serendipity transport in Tennessee and she saw immediate relief from her illness the further north she got. She came to the barn as an experienced trail horse and her good looks and drive to work make her an instant favorite.  Allie is also in training to become a mounted archery and mounted shooting horse. Allie is gaited so her smooth movements make her perfect for carry those that need to develop balance and muscle tone.  With her steady and quiet nature, she makes it an easy ride for adults and children. 

DONATE for Allie Cat: info@serendipityequine.com


Kisatchie Mustang
Stallion Born: 2018

Asa was rescued by Serendipity in September of 2018 at 6 months of age. Asa was a wild horse, specifically he is a Kisatchie Mustang. Asa is a very gentle soul and is still in training. He is currently working with a young teenager to develop good ground manners and become a member of the Serendipity Team.

DONATE for Asa: info@serendipityequine.com


Haflinger/ Belgium cross
Gelding Born: 2017

Buddy was our Christmas Angel 2020! He was saved from a kill pen, only a few days before slaughter, thanks to the outpour of donations we received from the friends, family, and community. He is a sweet, friendly boy that is eager to greet everyone that walks past his pasture. We are certain he will be a star in our program once he completes training.

DONATE for Buddy: info@serendipityequine.com


American Quarter Horse
Mare Born: 2013

Bugzy came to Serendipity from Louisiana.  She is a young horse in training, but her steady, laid-back, and patient personality is ideal for most riders; especially, those who may experience emotional outbursts.  She is one of our go-to-horses for her reliability in any circumstance.  Volunteers also appreciate her size when they sidewalk with riders. 

DONATE for Bugzy: info@serendipityequine.com


Quarter Horse/Pony Mix Gelding Born:2000

Bullseye was donated to Serendipity by Jill Ammann.  He is an experienced trail and lesson horse, and a veteran show horse in Western with some low level Dressage experience. His gentle, patient and steady attitude makes him our go-to-horse for riders who are learning to ride and perfect for riders who need the gentle sway of his body to relax tight muscles.  He is the perfect size for young children to small adults, especially those requiring assistance from side-walkers.  He’s also a charmer and brings a smile to most anyone who meets him.

DONATE for Bullseye: info@serendipityequine.com


American Quater Horse/Morgan Gelding Born: 2006

Chief is leased to Serendipity by Jessica Lanham. He was born in Hawaii and has traveled throughout most of the lower united states from the west to east coast.   He is an experienced trail and lesson horse, and a veteran show horse in lower level Dressage.  His exceptional training makes him a favorite for those who need a light-handed, responsive horse that will do just about anything asked of him. His highly intuitive and sensitive demeanor is ideal for veterans and active military members dealing with PTSD.  He’s a stubborn horse that demands the most from his handler He’s also a charmer and brings a smile to most anyone who meets him.

DONATE for Chief: info@serendipityequine.com


American Quarter Horse Gelding Born: 2007

Diesel’s bio is coming soon.

DONATE for Diesel: info@serendipityequine.com


Kisatchie Mustang
Mare Born: 2014

Ghost was rescued from a kill pen after living in the wild for the first few years of her life. She has a sweet and loving personality and is a rising star in our programs.

DONATE for Ghost: info@serendipityequine.com


Kisatchie Mustang
Gelding Born: 2014

Gus is currently in training. He is still a little shy but is making good progress adapting to his new surroundings at Serendipity.

DONATE for Gus: info@serendipityequine.com


Kisatchie Mustang
Gelding Born: 2019

Kiowa, formally Jelly Bean, was rescued after his mother was killed by lightning when he was only a week old. Once he is of age, he will be trained for our program. In the meantime, he receives lots of love from our volunteers and riders.

DONATE for Kiowa: info@serendipityequine.com

Kit Kat

Tennessee Walker Mix
Mare Born:

Kit Kat was rescued by our sister rescue in Louisiana after sustaining an eye injury that has left her partially blind in one eye. She came to Serendipity in July 2020 and will be starting our training program shortly. Her beautiful flowing mane and vocal personality have made her a favorite among many riders and volunteers at the barn.

DONATE for Kit Kat: info@serendipityequine.com


Kisatchie Mustang
Gelding Born: 2017

Makina is a barn favorite at Serendipity. Known as Mak, this blue and brown-eyed beauty has a gentle and calming personality at such a young age. He will eventually make a wonderful addition to our program.

DONATE for Makina: info@serendipityequine.com

Pau Hana

Mare Born: 2002

Hana’s bio is coming soon.

DONATE for Pau Hana: info@serendipityequine.com


American Miniature Horse Mare Born: 2013

Pepper’s bio is coming soon.

DONATE for Pepper: minfo@serendipityequine.com


Hanoverian Gelding Born: 1999

Snoop’s bio is coming soon.

DONATE for Snoop: info@serendipityequine.com

Forever in Our Hearts